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24 سنوات
Treatment for fibromyalgia
22 أغسطس 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
There is no one definite solution for fibromyalgia for all people. However, most fibromyalgia patients will respond gradually to a combination of physical therapy, medication and meditation.
Some people can not be totally cured but may be helped by a combination of therapy and analgesics.

Most sufferers can be reversed with a consistent but modifiable therapy consisting of stretching, physiotherapy, chiropractic, advanced needle therapy (IMS), supplemental medications, anti-inflammatories, pain killers, sleep enhancement therapy and stress reduction techniques.
the most prescribed medications used in fibromyalgia are anti depreesents ssri or ssnri depending on which the doctor prescribe according to the condition and combination therapy.

Tips for avoiding and managing flare-ups include the following:

-Treat infections quickly
-Avoid changes in diet
-Exercise as prescribed (ask patients not to increase their routine without consulting a physician)
-Moderate changes in activity
-Avoid unnecessary life changes
-Treat changes in mood or sleep early and aggressively
-Always start new medications at the lowest possible dose
-Prepare for unavoidable situations that have caused flare-ups in the past (eg, arrange for an increase in sleep medication or for help with housework and child care)