زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
20 سنوات
Hi doctors . from 2 years I burned my hand and after treatment, some Vitiligo appeared on my fingers.. how can I treat them to be removed ?? Thanks and Regards
8 أغسطس 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Vitiligo occurs when melanin-forming cells (melanocytes) die or stop producing melanin — the pigment that gives your skin, hair and eyes color. The involved patches of skin become lighter or white. It may be related to:
>A disorder in which your immune system attacks and destroys the melanocytes in the skin
>Family history (heredity)
>A trigger event, such as sunburn, stress or exposure to industrial chemicals
so your fingers burn might have trigger a vitiligo event ,it was in your body
Treatment for vitiligo may improve the appearance of the affected skin but does not cure the disease,usually vitiligo medicines have many skin side effects like drying or skin thinning irritation ,medicines are on doctor prescription
the usual treatments are :
topical steroids especially at beginning it may be beneficial and improvement after several months .
topical calcipotriene aform of vitamin D (Dovonex) is a cream that can be used with corticosteroids or ultraviolet light.
Combined medication such as psoralen and light therapy
laser therapy
No drug can stop the process of vitiligo since the cause is loss of pigment cells (melanocytes). But some drugs, used alone or with light therapy, can help improve your skin's appearance.
try to :
1-contact a dermatologist for the necessary fitting treatment for you case and vitiligo spread.
2-Protect your skin from the sun and artificial sources of UV light
3-you can apply make up products or conceal affected skin
4-Limited studies show that the herb Ginkgo biloba may return skin color in people with slow-spreading vitiligo. Other studies show that folic acid and vitamin B-12 plus sunlight may restore skin color for some people.
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
sunscreen topical corticosteroid topical davonex light therapy skin graft no permanent healing
د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is a discoloration that is left on the skin after an underlying skin disease has healed. These underlying conditions include: skin infections, allergic reactions, mechanical injuries (friction), reactions to medications (like topical steroids), phototoxic (due to sunrays) eruptions, trauma (e.g. burns), inflammatory reactions (e.g. acne, dermatitis).
The postinflammatory hyperpigmented lesions vary in color from light brown to black. They may become darker if exposed to sunlight (UV rays). Some medications may also darken lesions and include antimalarial drugs, clofazimine, tetracycline, anticancer. This condition is more commonly seen in darker skinned individuals, where it's more severe and persists for a longer period. The condition is also more apparent in sun-induced skin conditions such as photodermatitis (inflammation due to sun exposure). What happens is that the skin responds to disease or trauma with an inflammatory reaction, with release and oxidation of certain inflammatory compounds that will alter the activity of immune cells and mélanocytes (the cells that produce melanin, the skin color pigment). When more melanin is fabricated, it gets transferred to surrounding keratinocytes (skin cells). This is known as epidermal hypermelanosis. Another cause is dermal hypermelanosis, a deeper pigmentation that occurs when inflammation disrupts the basal cell layer (the bottom of the epidermis), causing melanin pigment to be released into the the upper layer of the dermis.
Typically, hyperpigmentation will gradually fade away over time and normal skin colour will return; this may take up to 6-12 months or more. A high SPF sunscreen daily to reduce further darkening us advised. Topical treatments (usually combination of 2 or more is effective) to lighten/bleach the affected area include:
Hydroquinone. Tretinoin cream. Corticosteroid creams. Glycolic acid peels. Azelaic acid.
Chemicunaffected & laser (IPL) may help also.