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24 سنوات
What are good examples of carbohydrate and protein foods? How much should I eat of these daily given that I will start body building today?
6 أغسطس 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Carbohydrates play an essential role in bodybuilding. While protein is often thought of as being the most important nutrient for strengthening due to its muscle-building properties, carbs are just as important. The main job of carbohydrates is to provide energy to fuel your training sessions, as well as supporting your central nervous system, muscles, brain and kidneys. Too many carbs may make you sluggish and contribute to fat gain though, while too few can cause muscle loss and sub-par gym performance.

As for protein-rich foods include meat, cheese, milk, fish, and eggs. For vegetarians, protein can be found in soy products such as tofu as well as in combinations of foods, such as rice or corn with beans.

you can take your enough protein needed for bodybuilding through your food better than take it in the form of a milk shake or a powder
To build a pound of muscle, the body needs between 10 and 14 additional grams of protein per day.

That’s not really that much. Some of these powders have 80 grams of protein per serving. You don’t need that. All your body is going to do is break it down for energy. And too much protein can be hard on your kidneys and your liver.

The maximum amount of protein that most adults can use per day is 2 grams per 1kg of body weight.
you can switch to 1.5 grams protein per 1 kg of your weight .

So if you wants to build muscle mass, and you weigh about 80 kg, the most protein you would need per day is 160 grams. That sounds like a lot, but one 4-ounce hamburger contains 30 grams of protein, 1 can of tuna has 40 grams, and a single ounce of cheddar cheese has 7 grams, i medium chicken breast|(skin not eaten )contains 50 g protien,30 grams of protein from 1 cup of boiled soybeans,other sources of protiens are :fish (salmon,tuna ,halibut), cheese ,nuts,milk yogurt ,eggs,..

Training bodybuilder must consume between 55 and 60 percent of their calories from carbs, as bodybuilding workouts deplete levels of carbohydrate within the muscle cells and this needs to be replaced.The actual amount of carbohydrate one should eat each day varies greatly depending on the individual. As a general guideline, if you're naturally leaner or looking to bulk up, you should eat more carbs than someone who naturally carries more fat or is trying to get lean. Experiment with your carb intake to find what approach works best for you and always consult your doctor before making any dietary changes. Whatever your carb intake, focus on high-quality carb sources such as vegetables and fruits, beans and whole-grains , brown rice, whole-wheat pasta and tortillas.