24 سنوات
My urine is dark yello and I feel some burning when I pee. whats the problem?
20 يوليو 2014
if you are taking multivitamin or a supplement containing vitamin B also the urine will be colored in yellow
certain food might also make your urine yellow ,but this will be at that day only .
If you have other symptoms such as frequent urination ,or difficulty urination ,or pain when urinating ,or groin pain ,lower abdominal pain ,....or other symptoms the condition may be medical you might have urinary tract infection or other .
but if no symptoms and the symptoms are newly seen then it is as i said ,lack of fluids and water
try to drink more water around 2 liters of water to dilute your urine,it is important to drink enough water for the health of your urinary symptoms and the health of all you body .