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A small girl 2 year old feel in burn in her vagina, it may because the urine, or something else , please help urgent.
29 مارس 2013

د. Judy Matta طب الأطفال
Some children complain of discomfort (pain, burning or stinging) when passing urine. The main causes in little girls are irritation and redness of the vulva (vulvitis) or at the opening of the urethra (urethritis). This irritation can also cause vaginal itching and frequent urination (frequency). In prepubertal girls, the skin around the vaginal area can be very sensitive and it can easily become red and inflammed when it comes in contact with common irritants, such as soap or shampoo.
There is also the possibility that your little girl has a urinary tract infection but usually there is fever.
Your little girl should be examined by her physician to determine the cause of the painful urination.
د. Edward Riachy جراحة الأطفال
There are multiple reasons that your child is having vaginal pain when she is voiding. I agree with Dr. Matta.
Some additional reasons I may think of:
- A lower urinary tract infection (called cystitis - usually there isn't a fever in that case).
- If your daughter is recently being toilet-trained, is retaining urine or if she is constipated she may also be having bladder spasms that can be described as "burn to vagina", So avoiding constipation and teaching your child to have regular voiding will definitely help.
- Also we need to rule out what we call a "vaginal voiding" where a part of the urine coming from the urethra during voiding also pools back into the vagina and causes its irritation. Its treatment requires teaching your child a proper voiding technique that the physician can explain to you.

So I also agree that your little girl should be examined by her physician to determine the cause of the painful urination.