زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
22 سنوات
My friend has blue gums due to stress and smoking. Is there any way to completely get rid of it? she had surgery so the medical part is done, but the bue color (aesthetically) is always there. thanks
14 يوليو 2013

د. Jeff Khoury الأمراض الجلدية
The blue or black color on the gum is due to several reasons. The type of treatment will be decided after diagnosing the cause of the color. In general this problem can be solved by doing a gum graft or on the contrary by removing (like a peeling) the gum, or also by changing the crowns if she has. What kind of surgery did your friend did?
د. Ali Hatoum الأمراض الجلدية
Dear friend:
the blue gum is a result of bad crowns -gingivitis-, or a natural pigmentation -melanin-smoking has a bad effect on it.you have to stop it !!!!!!!.we can do the following procedure: 1-change the old crowns by new
2-remove the pigmentation by laser technology (mini surgery)
it will take 2 or 3 visits,and u will get the result after 2 weeks.ask
د. Roland Feghali الأمراض الجلدية
Being an orthodontist myself, I would advise your friend to see a gum specialist that we refer to as periodontist and he/she will be the most suitable to help. However, blue gums are known as dental tattoo , usually caused by iatrogenic effects either when an old metal filling was being removed or due to an old metal based restoration that stained the gum.
د. Francis Khoury طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
It could be useful to have a photo showing the discoloured gum.Previous surgery will leave the answer mainly in the hands of dentists. Tabacco is an important reason of aggression on teeth and gums in which case prevention is an important part of the solution. The already given dentist opinion seems sound, better follow this pathway first.
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
blue gum may be due to lead poisoning to cigarette smokiing or old crown treatment according to the case