زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
22 سنوات
My dr has prescribed to measure tsh, t3 levels in my blood since I hv a goitre but if ive been diagnosed with hypothyroidism nd took medicines will it solve my memory and period irregularity issues
10 يونيو 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Yes, you should expect that with normalization of the level of your thyroid hormones,  what we call achieving euthyroidism, that the consequences of hypothyroidism, including menstrual irregularities, cold intolerance, weight gain not caused by increase in caloric intake, excessive sleepiness/lassitude, and poor ability to concentrate, to start to improve and eventually be resolved. Of course your doctor will do follow up blood tests to check the levels of your thyroid hormones in about 3 months, and gauge the dose of your treatment according to the change in those levels.