زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
My dad 75,has both hands light shaking when holding a plate,his dr.said it's normal at his age & asked him to visit in 3 months,,his mum had the same situation.anything must be done?thx
6 مايو 2013

د. Karim Farah طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
there are several types of tremors that occurs at different age. most are benign and stable and some are associated with other neurological disease.
1-the most common is the essential tremor, which occur usually at agegroup 40 and above. most are stable but some progress to become very severe. some have a family history of tremor. it is benign and doesnt need treatment unless bothering the patient and he is unable to perform activities requiring lots of fine details.
2- parkinsonian tremore which occurs with people who has parkinson disease it occurs mainly at rest and disappear when the patient is doing any activities like holding stuff, writing, drawing....
3-dysthonic tremors oaccurs with patients who have dystonia. (abnormal neurologic involuntary movement disorder.) the tremor is irregular and releived by rest.
4-psychogenic tremor which is related to stress and anxiety and the tremor disappears when the patient is distracted.
5-substance induced tremor such as alcohol, caffeine, thyroid disease, low sugar and some medications
so its better for your father to be followed up in few month as your Dr has said to check for other associated symptoms...