زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
17 سنوات
Is it possible to have parkinson's disease at the age of 17? Cz my legs shake sometimes uncontrollably so does my sight id see the room shaking so i close my eyes for 2 mins and id be fine
8 يناير 2014

د. Ivana Dabaj طب الأطفال والأمراض العصبية
you have tremors but not parkinson. there are different causes of tremors. it could be simple and caused by increase in caffeine intake for example , or it could be due to fatigue of the muscle but it also could be due to disorder in the cerebellum. Some medications might also be the cause. There are also some genetic diseases but they are usually associated with other symptoms. i prefer that you get examined to be sure there is no deficit, cerebellar signs and if necessary to order appropriate tests. since when do you have these symptoms? any walking difficulties? frequent falls? vision problems? what aggravate and decrease the tremors? what stimulate them?
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
it is not parkinson it is tremor wich is a rythmic oscillation of a part of the body about a fixed point usually distal limbs rarely head it maybe alesion of cerebellum aneurological consultation to be done