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1 شهر
My 40 days baby is very gasy and he is fussy and cries a lot till he farts is he colic? I give him ovol 5 drops a day, he drinks aptamil 1
27 سبتمبر 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Indeed this could be infantile colic, which is defined as bout of severe abdominal pain associated with inconsolable crying and irritability, usually relieved by passing bowel movement or flatus (gas). Ovol (simethicone) may have some benefit; you may also try having your baby lie on his tummy, or give him a tummy massage by passing your hand in a regular circular motion for a few minutes. It would be wise to keep an eye on the color of his bowel movement: if you notice mucus or blood, you will need to notify your baby's pediatrician as these findings may signify an allergy to milk protein.