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20 سنوات
My 20 day old baby wakes up at 2 am and stays up until 9 am, is this normal?What should I do to schedule her sleeping time?
20 أكتوبر 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
If your baby is fed, diaper changed, and not ill, there should not be a reason for her to stay awake for this long stretch of time. Have you noticed that she gets fussy, cries in pain, and pulls her legs towards her abdomen shortly after a feed (20-20 min)? If yes, then this is most likely due to colics, and we have already discussed how to manage colics. Another possibility is reflux, whereby the milk goes back up from her stomach to her esophagus and she spits or some of it comes out through her nose. Reflux is considered physiologic in infants as long as it does not affect normal growth, because babies are born with an immature lower esophageal sphincter (the ring-like muscle that separates the esophagus from the stomach and prevents food from going back up into the esophagus when it contracts) and this requires some time before it improves. If reflux however interferes with proper feeding and growth, then it needs medical treatment. If your baby does have symptoms of mild reflux, try positioning her crib with in a slanted fashion (an angle of about 45 degrees) to help alleviate the reflux.