زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
55 سنوات
Mom 85: heart def (37%), hypertension, arrhythmiav,[1/4 Sintrom &1Losanet 50&1/2 Lasix Bed Time][1/2 Lasix &1/2Lanoxin&1Vastarel 35Morning] 4Panadol. She sweats a lot during her sleep. What are the ca
6 يناير 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
The vast majority of your mother medicines taken are anti -hypertensive medicines ,these medicines can cause night sweats this is the cause probably in this case .

Night sweats are a common in different situation and medical conditions such as :

-Tuberculosis and lymphoma in these diseases night sweats are a dominant symptom, but these are infrequently found to be the cause of night sweats nowadays but these diseases must still be taken in consideration in patients with night sweats, human immunodeficiency virus, gastroesophageal reflux disease,obstructive sleep apnea, hyperthyroidism , hypoglycemia, and several less common diseases.
>>drugs such as antihypertensives, antipyretics, other medications, and drugs of abuse such as alcohol and heroin may cause night sweats.
Serious causes of night sweats can be excluded with a thorough history, physical examination, and directed laboratory and radiographic studies. If a history and physical do not reveal a possible diagnosis, physicians should consider a purified protein derivative, complete blood count, human immunodeficiency virus test, thyroid-stimulating hormone test, erythrocyte sedimentation rate evaluation, chest radiograph, and possibly chest and abdominal computed tomographic scans and bone marrow biopsy.