55 سنوات
Mom 85: heart def (37%), hypertension, arrhythmiav,[1/4 Sintrom &1Losanet 50&1/2 Lasix Bed Time][1/2 Lasix &1/2Lanoxin&1Vastarel 35Morning] 4Panadol. She sweats a lot during her sleep. What are the ca
6 يناير 2014
Night sweats are a common in different situation and medical conditions such as :
>>drugs such as antihypertensives, antipyretics, other medications, and drugs of abuse such as alcohol and heroin may cause night sweats.
Serious causes of night sweats can be excluded with a thorough history, physical examination, and directed laboratory and radiographic studies. If a history and physical do not reveal a possible diagnosis, physicians should consider a purified protein derivative, complete blood count, human immunodeficiency virus test, thyroid-stimulating hormone test, erythrocyte sedimentation rate evaluation, chest radiograph, and possibly chest and abdominal computed tomographic scans and bone marrow biopsy.