Is it true that hemp oil cures cancer ? If yes why don't we use it already ?
5 مارس 2013
These essential fatty acids are very good for the general well-being and health. There is some evidence that they may help in prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
There is no evidence however that they are effective in the treatment of cancer. Certainly alone Hemp oil is not effective in treating or curing cancer and this is why we do not use it for that purpose.
There are some youtube videos of farms in canada, that I have been asked about few years ago about it. hemp oil is an extract from Cannabis Sativa, that do not contain in hgh amount the Tetrahydrocannabitol (THC), the psychactive element existing in other kind of cannabis. there are no solid publications or studies about it, and I cant say, whether it works or not for cancer. it can be given as a supplement to chemotherapy, but alone I doubt, that it can function, and it depends on what type of cancer. in cancer , there is no one drug for all. Otherwise, it would be too good to be true. there are lots of such " goes around " over the net and here and there talks about treatment for cancer, but most of them has no solid studies, and few cases of testimony of people with whom it worked, does not make of it a routine treatment. As unfortunately those , whom the treatment did not work are unable to speak. There are lots of charlatants unfortunately, that give false promises to people and demand big sums of money. Not trying to steal any promise, but usually big institutions like the NCI (National Cancer Institute) in USA, screens all those new products and study them, to check if it is worth working on it or not. The medical instances who takes care of cancer, are aware of any new molecules that is worth working over it .