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18 سنوات
Is creatine a good suplement and what are the side effects
23 يوليو 2014

د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
creatine is a good supplement . side effect are ; kidney and liver problems and in few cases toxicity
د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Creatine is normally found in meat and fish. Creatine is also naturally made in the human body in the kidney and liver. Creatine is mainly stored in muscles,
Although creatine is a common dietary component (in meat and fish), allergy to creatine has been reported. Mild asthma-like symptoms after chronic consumption of creatine (20 grams daily for five days followed by 10 grams daily for 51 days) has occurred.
Creatine is likely safe when used long-term
it is contraindicated in diabetic patients and hypoglycemic ,it may lower blood sugar
also not to be taken in hypertensive patients ,it may increase blood pressure
not to be taken in known kidney problems
it could cause interactions with many medicines and cause different side effects depending on every one try.
if you want to take ,it is safe in healthy people with no sensitivity to ingredients inside in short term use
everything when used for longterm might cause undesirable sideeffects