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20 سنوات
I'm taking gynotardyferon and magné b6 is it okay? These can reduce the tachycardia?
17 يوليو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
gynotardyferon is a supplement containing iron (ferrous) and follic acid and magne b6 is a vitamin supplement
since you have iron defficency anemia (low ferritin and low hematocrite) so when taking these supplements containing iron ,when your anemia is corrected ,the symptoms related to anemia such as heart palpitations, tiredness when exercising will stops.

Try these tips you may have wrong habits that is interfering with the iron intake:

-try to take your supplements with enough water ,since iron supplements may cause constipation
-try to drink more fluids containing vitamin C ,it helps in the absorbtion of iron in the blood
-Don;t drink tea after meals ,tea contains polyphenols, could reduce the absorption of non-haem iron from foods
-calcium should not be taken with iron they affect the absorbtion of each other .
-increase your iron food intake (meat ,chicken ,lentils,spinach,beans,liver,iron fortified cereals(cornflakes),grains ,...