زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
I suffer from mild acne and I'm currently using Granudoxy along with some skin creams. Is it advised to start Roaccutane or is it too strong? Is it preferable to be used only as a last resort?
9 أبريل 2013

د. Adnan Mroueh طب النساء والتوليد
Acne is a swollen skin gland that secrete oily secretion It is caused by either excess androgen or more commonly it is related to excessive sensitivity to normal levels of androgens which are present in every normal female .The treatment is to give pro gestational pills that have antiandrogenic effects.In most cases ,satisfactory cosmetic outcomes ensue.If the acne is secondarily infected , then addition of systemic antibiotics is supplemented .In addition , females need to observe dietary control ,because obesity contributes to worsening of symptoms. In resistant cases , Raoacutane may be considered , but women should be cautioned to protect themselves from pregnancy sine it can cause fetal malformations.