I use isoupra before one month until now I didn’t see any side effects and my spot still on my body and my face didn’t become dry??
د. Maya Halabi-Tawil,
الأمراض الجلدية
- One month is a very short time to have results and you may need to have a stronger dosage on the following months you need to check back with the dermatologist that prescribed it to you
Any specific reason for pimples around the jawline and chin? Are they a sign of anything? And any natural remedy or ointment?
د. Maya Halabi-Tawil,
الأمراض الجلدية
- this is typical adult-type acne, it usually occurrs in these zones, you should go to your dermatologist to check for any hormonal imbalance or dietary factors, and of course there are remedies to it, ... إقرأ أكثر
I have PCOS and got severe acne because of it, i've been using diane for 4 months and my acne got better but they left scars what can i do for them?
د. Maya Halabi-Tawil,
الأمراض الجلدية
- there are several types of acne scars, so the treatment will depend on the type of scar you have, pigmented, red, atrophic etc. better to check with your dermatologist fro the appropriate solution&nbs... إقرأ أكثر
Can Roaccutane remove acne scars?
د. Maya Halabi-Tawil,
الأمراض الجلدية
- No. there are several types of acne scars, the red ones the pigmented ones and the atrophic ones (holes in the skin). there are some solutions though, the atrophic ones being the hardest to ameliorate... إقرأ أكثر
What are the blood tests required before taking roaccutane?
د. Maya Halabi-Tawil,
الأمراض الجلدية
- roaccutane is not a light treatment. although an excellent treatment for some cases of acne it is not devoid of serious side effects and so only your dermatologist should prescribe it and monitor it. ... إقرأ أكثر
I started taking Granudoxy for acne 3 months ago. Ever since, I gained 5 kilos which is very uncommon for my body type. Is granudoxy the problem?
د. Maya Halabi-Tawil,
الأمراض الجلدية
- No it does not usually cause weight gain, maybe you have some hormonal imbalance which could explain both your acne and weight gain, better to talk to your dermatologist about it
I took Roacutane for months in 2015 and now my face is breaking again! what do I do? Do I take ro acutane again? antibiotics? cremes?
د. Maya Halabi-Tawil,
الأمراض الجلدية
- Hello it is possible to relapse after roaccutae especially if it was not given properly eg not the ideal body weight cumulative dose. you should check first with a dermatologist who can alone dec... إقرأ أكثر
Hi, what is the best way to stop acne on forehead ?
د. Jihad Irani,
طب الأسرة
- There is no "best way". There are different type of treatment, some topical and some that are taken orally; these are chosen based on the type of acne and the response to treatment. These decisions ar... إقرأ أكثر
I am 20 years old and i have had acne marks and post breakout marks on parts of my face for 6 months. Any suggestions on what should i do ?
د. Maya Halabi-Tawil,
الأمراض الجلدية
- You should first make Sure That your acne issue is completely resolved and behind you before talking action if you re bothered By the scars. Solutions exist, never a 100% improvement but à fair 50% or... إقرأ أكثر