I shower every day but pimples are appearing on my back. My life is very stressful. Is acne always due to stress? I only have pimples in the summer. Is it from my shower gel? Any treatment?
9 مايو 2013
'Bacne' is exacerbated by this stress, oily or fatty foods, excessive sweating genes, tight clothing, excessive sweating and heavy backpacks. But, on the other side, there is no proof of that.
For milder versions of back or body acne, a topical 10 percent benzoyl peroxide cream or gel may suffice. Simply dab the cream on the acne at night and let it dry before you put on clothing. Severe acne, including cysts, should be treated by a dermatologist.
As for using shower gel, be sure that is alcohol free and it isn't causing an allergic reaction and you can stop it for a couple of weeks to see if there is any improvement. Steps to do :
1-exfoliate to prevent clogged pores dead skin build up or acne
2-oil control to best control oily skin, use a water-based toner in the morning and night
3-sunscreen protection is required to prevent acne, It is best to use a daily moisturizer that has sun protection in it. Avoid heavy sunscreens that are waterproof for daily wear. Use these sunscreens only when necessary.
4-Skip the bath and hit the shower. If a bath is really what you crave, be sure to shower and exfoliate first. Then, soak tired muscles in a bath that is free of soaps or bubble bath lotions. Showering is the only way to slough off dead skin cells and flush them off the body. Using shower gels that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide is another tactic in the battle of summer acne.
5-Switch facial products - A great way to keep your skin vibrant and reactive to good care is to switch facial products periodically.