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الصفحة الرئيسية
I'm 25 y.o. with myopia (minus 7,5) on both eyes. I'd like to make Lasik correction. But I was told it s better to have a baby first, as after I deliver, bad eyesight might come back. Is it true?
9 مايو 2013

د. Adib Jaber طب العيون
Some women may experience a change in their myopia during pregnancy, but most revert back to their previous state after delivery. However the change is not high.
د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
if this is the issue then no girl will be performing lasik until they finished their family plans and their desire to have children ,
so unless you are now pregnant it is preferable to wait until you deliver (because of pregnancy not because returning myopia )but if you are not pregnant you can do it when u want regardless of having babies after ,nothing serious will change as dr adib said
د. Pierre Mardelli طب العيون
I agree with Dr. Rania, if you're pregnant then you should wait until you deliver your baby in order to do LASIK.

Pierre G Mardelli