زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
31 سنوات
I have enlarged thyroid and two cysts but with normal blood test results. is it normal that my dr. did not prescribe drugs to cure the cysts?
10 أغسطس 2013

د. Bassem Tanios طب أمراض الكلى
It depends on the size and features of the cysts on thyroid ultrasound, If the nodules are purely cystic( that means they contain only liquid, and there is no solid components in them), then usually no action is required if they are causing no symptoms like pain or difficulty swallowing etc, if this is the case with you then probably that's why your doctor did not recommend any further action.

if the cysts contain a solid component ( shown by ultrasound) then aspiration of the cyst, with the liquid sent for examination under the microscope, is indicated if the nodule size is above 2 cm or if presence of any suspicious features by ultrasound. this is done to exclude any small possibility of cancer.

Small cystic-solid nodules may just require monitoring of their size by ultrasound every 6 months to make sure that they are not increasing in size fast, if that occurs they have to be aspirated.
If you have large Cystic nodule ( even if purely cystic) causing symptoms such as pain or difficulty swallowing, then these can be aspirated to relieve the symptoms, this can be done at the doctor's office, and no examination by microscope is needed because there is no risk of cancer. There are no drugs to cure these cysts.
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
raation to be donecyst in the thyroid gland if they are small and not bothering we keep watching if they are big and bothering aspir