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الصفحة الرئيسية
21 سنوات
I had hair removal laser burns several months ago,& i've been using depigmentation cream for >3 month,after medical prescription.but dark sports are still there.is there other depigmentation treatment
5 ديسمبر 2013

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Burns can be part of the risk of laser hair removal.Be patient before telling a medication is not effective it will take some tome for the skin to heal
It is very important that you and your Dr. that perform the laser ,or if you had done it in esthetican then consult a dermatologist ,burn s has different degrees and depending on the degree of burn and the damage caused in the skin and what are the layers in the skin affected ,and the location of burns ,the treatment plan will be taken ,discuss all your history to determine your "fitzpatrick scale" skin type so your settings are correct.
Burn can be due to the equipment used or the one undergoing the laser especially if not experienced ,or If you have even slight suntan or sunburn prior to treatment it greatly increases your chances of getting burned.
you can make the following :
It is important that you keep aquaphor or a prescription called biafine on the burns so they heal properly.Aquaphor is available over the counter, but your doctor may give you a stronger prescription-based cream to use. Aquaphor contains petrolatum and can be applied as needed while your burns heal.
Keep the burns moistened and soothed with aloe vera gel. Aloe vera is available over the counter at any pharmacy. Slather a generous amount of the gel on the burns as needed during the healing process.
mebo also may heal burns
You can put an icebag on for 10- to 15-minute intervals. Taking a cool bath can help heal larger areas of the skin that have been burned by laser exposure.
avoid sun exposure. You should keep the burned area covered with clothing or wraps if you need to go outside and applying a strong sun protection 30 spf
if the burns are superfecial with no blisters just red rash you can apply hydrocortisone cream layer it heals the inflammation and burns
if the burns are complicated with inflammed apperance they also may becoammore serious burns should check with a doctor,the burns may become infected too , be aware to the hygiene to protect it , it may need antibiotic in such cas he will examine the degree of burns and recommend a specific course of treatment.