زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
24 سنوات
I get really bad anxiety attacks and I think that I am having a heart attack. I am worried that I might have heart disease, what are the symptoms of it ? How can I differentiate between them ?
6 مارس 2014

د. Karim Farah طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
you are too young to have a cardiac infarct. you just need to be convinced that the pains you are feeling are not due to heart problems but to the anxiety. you need to be followed up by a psychiatrist if these events are affecting your life.
however if you are still not convinced you can see a physician (general or specialist) who can examine you to reassure you.
meanwhile you should control risk factors such as no smoking, healthy diet and exercise.