زيارة الأطباء
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24 سنوات
I did the hepatitis B vaccine as a child and I'm working in a research lab now. Do I need to do it again?
11 أغسطس 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Taking a booster shot of the hepatitis B vaccine would be required in healthcare workers exposed to human body fluids or products in case they are not immune to the virus. So, how can you know whether or not you are still immune to Hepatitis B after so many years of having taken the vaccine? Simple: you do a blood test where they measure the following markers: 
HBsAg: negative
Anti-HBc: negative
Anti-HBs positive
If the results of these markers arr as indicated above, then you are immune
due to hepatitis B vaccination and do not need a booster.
If however all three markers turn out to be negative, then you are susceptible to contracting hepatitis B infection and require a booster dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine.
