I did an adenoids, sinus and deviation surgery almost a year ago, but I still wake up with a stuffy nose and get nosebleeds often and can't breathe easily, could it be that the surgery didn't go well?
14 أكتوبر 2014
If the surgeries mentioned above are true, because you seem to be an adult and we rarely see adenoids in adults, then your problem is hypertrophy of the turbinates which can be simply treated by a nasal steroid spray.
Also you can be suffering from nasal valve obstructive collapse causing nasal obstruction, or as you said, the surgery didn't really go well...
Your best option is to see your surgeon or take another opinion, especially that you are seeing blood too, Regards.
there is problem with this surgery the airway is stillblocked revision surgery to be done
yes I agree with my colleagues surgeons on the fact that you might have a failure of surgery.
having sais that I would also consider to search for any allergic sensitization that woud complicate things. this must be done before any second surgical look.