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29 سنوات
I am 5 months pregnant,how often should i feel the baby's moves? and is there any way to prevent stretch marks?
23 مايو 2013

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Early in your pregnancy, you may just feel a few flutters every now and then. But as your baby grows -- usually by the end of the second trimester -- the kicks should grow stronger and more frequent. Studies show that by the third trimester, the baby moves about 30 times each hour.
Babies tend to move more at certain times of the day as they alternate between alertness and sleep. They are usually most active between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m., right as you're trying to get to sleep. This surge in activity is due to your changing blood sugar levels. Babies also can respond to sounds or touch, and may even kick your partner in the back if you snuggle too close in bed.
Once your baby's movements are well established (usually by week 28), keep track of all those little punches, jabs, and kicks to make sure your baby is still developing normally.To count movements, pick a time when your baby is usually most active (often, this is right after you've eaten a meal).or drink a glass of water, lie on your side, and count it you must feel 10 kicks over the next 1-2 hrs
to prevent pregnancy stretch marks:
1-Make Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Stretch Marks through:
Eat a skin-nourishing diet,Stay hydrated,Exercise during pregnancy,Gain weight gradually
2-Start a New Skin Care Regimen to Prevent Stretch Marks through:
-Exfoliating your skin using a dry brush improves your circulation
-Don't use harsh chemicals on your skin. Many commercial body washes contain sulfates, which can dry out your skin and reduce its elasticity over time
-Moisturize your skin in anywhere you might get stretch marks ,Bio oil, cocoa butter, almond oil, shea butter, and wheatgerm oil are popular and effective choices for moisturizing skin during pregnancy.Moisturize your skin in the morning after bathing and again at night. If you notice itching where your skin is being stretched, that is a sign to add more moisturizer in that area.
-Use sunscreen