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20 سنوات
How to make my period come a bit later or sooner than its specific date? Is there any pill or anything for this? What are the side effects? Is doing this dangerous? Thx
29 يونيو 2013

د. Nemer Charafeddine طب النساء والتوليد
yes we can control your period ,
there are 2 ways,
the oral contraceptive pills, and the progesterone pills
before giving this a brief exam should be done, along with some question regarding a history or family history of DVT ( or thrombosis), breast lump or mass, liver problem, smoking profile...
there is no medication on earth that does not have side effects, everything is relative, so if you are going to the beach- for ex- and you don't want to have your period then some headache or bloating will be the price..
you need to see a GYN to discuss this..