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18 سنوات
How to get rid of allergies ?
12 يوليو 2014

د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
the first thing have anti allergic precautions you can add antihistamine tablets and steroids spray if it is notsufficent start immunothrapy
د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
There are several types of allergies and many allergens all over the world.There would be skin allergies in the form of rash ,blisters such as dermatitis eczema,respiratory allergies in the form of cough sneeze,breathlessness such as asthma ,rhinitis ,...food allergies such as lactose intolerance ,allergies for special type of food and then causing diarrhea or any other symptom.every one is unique for his allergy too
So getting rid of allergy is dependent on the type of allergy and the allergen .
well in general you must protect yourself from allergy by getting far from the allergen that causes you allergic action ,taking the medications required in an allergic crisis