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الصفحة الرئيسية
21 سنوات
How safe are the e-cigarettes?
29 ديسمبر 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال

There is scarce research on the
safety and efficacy of e-cigarettes, which renders this device to be a source
of concern. Preliminary results suggested there are trace amounts of toxic
substances in e-cigarettes. The researchers behind this review declared that
"the data are inconclusive and warrant further studies to better decipher
whether [e-cigarettes] are suitable alternatives to tobacco cigarettes or
indeed just a fad that have a slew of health consequences lurking amidst the

The positive attributes
associated with e-cigarettes based upon lab studies suggest that e-cigarettes
may be less addictive, reduce nicotine withdrawal, are associated with insignificant
secondhand exposure, and better mimic the "hand-to-mouth" experience
compared with other types of nicotine replacement therapy, in addition to their
lower levels of toxins.

However, toxins and carcinogens are not definitively
absent, and the adverse effects on the health and well-being are still not
fully elucidated, and the lack of regulation makes it difficult to determine
safety risks.

