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How does a person know if he's bipolar?
22 فبراير 2013

د. Thierry Yazbek الجراحة
People with bipolar disorder can feel much happier or much sadder than normal. If you have bipolar disorder, you may feel very happy for many days and then feel very sad.

When your mood is very happy, you can also:
Get angry quickly
Be more active than normal
Feel like you have special powers
Feel like you don’t need sleep
Make poor choices without thinking
Start lots of things and not finish them

Other times, your mood may be very sad . When your mood is very sad, you can also:
Lose or gain a lot of weight
Have trouble falling asleep or sleep too much
Feel very tired
Feel bad about yourself
Think about death or hurting yourself

People with bipolar disorder may have trouble at work or school. They may not get along well with their family and friends.

To know if you are a bipolar only your doctor should be able to tell if you have it by talking with you and your family..
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
certain aspects of bipolarity ; feels sad quickly and feels happy quickly either they sleep too much or dont sleep .