Can I take hgh and where can I find it in Lebanon? I'm a bodybuilder.
15 يوليو 2017
One of the most common side effects of hGH misuse is acromegaly (overgrowth of bone and connective tissue that leads to a change in facial
appearance, such as a protruding jaw and eyebrow bones, abnormal growth of the hands and feet, and a shortened life expectancy).
other reported side effects of hGHinclude:
o Hypoglycaemia or Glucose intolerance/ diabetes mellitus (high blood sugar)
o Inadequate thyroid function
o Heart enlargement - Heart damage
o High blood pressure
o Premature ageing and death
o Water retention
o Thickening of the skin
o Abnormal hair growth (hirsutism)
o Liver damage
o Impotence