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22 سنوات
My baby girl is 16 months old, I've only just noticed she has flat feet. Does she need to wear any special footwear for any reasons?
25 أبريل 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
FLAT FEET is something that all babies are born with, along with a waddle, when they first start walking.This is partly due to posture, and partly due to deposits of fat on your toddler's feet which make her feet look flat. It can be difficult to tell if your child has flat feet, as the arches may not fully develop until she's 10 years old.
Most children don't take adult-like heel-toe steps until they are about three years old. If an arch forms when your child stands on her tiptoes, don't worry. However, if your child still seems to have flat feet when she's five years or six years, and is in pain, see a podiatrist. Gentle inserts (orthoses) to support the arch may be prescribed