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25 سنوات
My gum bleeds sometimes when I brush my teeth and even when I don't brush them. It is sensitive. Is listerine good? What about water and salt?
8 يونيو 2014

د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
If you brush your teeth normally, there is a gum problem secondary to teeth pathology or general pathology. You have to see a doctor.
د. Jeff Khoury الأمراض الجلدية
Gum bleeding can be the consequence of a simple gum inflammation or of something more serious called periodontitis, which affect affect the bone and the gum around your teeth. Listerine or any other mouthwash will not be able to treat your problem unless you remove your infection. The best solution is to see a specialist in bone and gum problem.