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For a 7 year old girl, what does the level of FSH = 0.9 mlU ml and LH = 0.1 mlU ml signify?? Knowing that these levels are said to be irregular on the blood test!
9 أبريل 2013

د. Judy Matta طب الأطفال
For your doctor to ask for FSH and LH levels for your 7 year old girl, he must have seen signs suggestive of precocious puberty (advanced
breast development , pubic hair development, increased growth velocity,,etc)..
Your girl's LH level is 0.1 mIU/ml which is prepubertal and is compatible with her age...However, your physician may go on to order few more tests such as a GnRH-agonist stimulation test or a pelvic ultrasound.Also a bone age (an Xray for the wrist to determine) should be done to determine if the bone age is equal to the actual age..