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Every 2 or 3 days i have pain in the left side of the abdomen
9 يونيو 2013

د. Ahmad Ghannoum طبّ الجهاز الهضمي
first you need to do an urine test to see if you have stones or inflammation in your urinary system, if normal you need to do stool test and try to take antispasmotic pills.
د. Fadi Fakih طب أمراض المسالك البولية
An ultrasound of the kidney is usefull in this case
د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Generalized abdominal pain is rarely indicative of a medical concern,but when abdominal pain is severe and localized (affecting a specific area of the abdomen), it is more likely a sign or symptom of a serious health problem calling for medical attention.and since you are saying that your pain is in your left abdomen then you must go to the doctor to make the necessary tests and images as Dr ghannoum and Dr fadi said to know the cause of the pain
Pain in left abdomen is a wide title for many causes,if you specify more where is the pain in your left abdomen(upper part,lower part,radiating to the back or to other place,....)severe or mild,other symptoms associated with,..) it would be much better note that constipation and irritable bowel can cause left abdominal pain too
common causes of Left Side Abdominal pain :
kidney problem(infection or stones) ultrasound and urine test will be useful, try to see other symptoms like frequent urge to urinate and/or frequent urination, a burning sensation during urination, blood or pus in the urine, and pain in the back, side, or groin,nausea and vomiting,change urine color,painful urination,...
2-Digestive Problems
-chron's disease
-ulcerative colitis
-intestinal obstruction,blockages in the small intestine can cause severe intermittent pain,Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, abdominal tenderness or swelling, severe constipation, and inability to pass gas are other symptoms of an intestinal obstruction.
other problems
-aortic aneurysm
-INGUINAL HERNIA Severe pain in the lower left side of the abdomen generally occurs when coughing, lifting, or bending over. A bulge is generally noticeable near the pubic bone
go ahead and visit the doctor to know the exact cause of your pain
د. Mohamad Siblini الجراحة
left side abdominal pain is a very generalized complaint. in order to help you we need to know your age, the location of pain up left, lower left, or more to the back, associated symptoms (if any) like nausea, burning urination, or painful defecation. loss of weight (if any), fever (if any). and how pain disappears (spontaneous or by medications and what medications). how pain appears is it after meals, after sports, by some movements, or not related to anything. so before jumping to conclusion some issues should be clarified.