23 سنوات
Is there anything we can do to stop or slow down losing water in the discs? Neck and back discs.
26 يوليو 2014
It is thought that if we can create loading and unloading cycles in the spine then we can literally “suck” water back into the disc and re-hydrate it predictably.
Loading and unloading cycles are consecutive alternating compression and traction movements. Repetitive traction (elongation) followed by compression of the discs produce “imbibition and osmosis” of water into the disc re-hydrating or regenerating the disc height. In addition to disc re-hydration, the loading and unloading cycles reduce up to 95% of the elastic energy in the spine. The soft tissues have an inherent elastic, rebound energy and reflexes that return the body to its original position after a trauma. This elastic energy must be reduced if we are to achieve spinal correction.
The discs are like hard Jell-o. They have a lot of tensile strength, and a lot of rebound, elastic energy. When a force is applied to the spine to change the structure the elastic properties will rebound against that force and the hard Jell-o consistency of the disc will continue to maintain the current spinal structure. Hysteresis, repetitive traction and compression cycles, liquefies the Jell-o like consistency, reduces the rebound energy by up to 95%, reduces muscle spasm to help the doctor achieve and easier adjustment as well as re-hydrating the disc.
SO in summary now you know how exercise along with nutrition and water good intake all beside each other can help in the condition and it 's development .
Unfortunately not, but you can exercise to reinforce the muscles of the neck and abdomen to have less pain.