زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
3 سنوات
Yes, her curve weight decreased after the 2nd op. It's stable at 10kg and now 11.5 kg, I don't know why. How can I know if there is a problem? What exams should I do for her?
24 فبراير 2014

د. Maria Karam طب الأطفال
Oh ok I see. Her weight is not very bad at birth and if her medical condition is now fine it shouldn't be a problem. So first make sure she has adequate caloric intake. If she does and she is crossing curves downwards then you may need to do some blood tests. Does she have Reflux now? This can be a cause of failure to thrive. Her height is fine? Is it affected or only her weight is? Any chronic diarrhea or constipation? The tests we usually ask for are thyroid tests. Celiac disease test checks for allergies to wheat and gluten. We check the immunity level. The urine test. There is a protocol to follow but first check her height and her calories, they may not be enough and make sure she has no reflux.