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Dr Judy Matta said that she doesn't recommend using Panadol Night, but she didn't say why. Is it addective? Does it have side effects? Is it useless (placebo effect only?)
24 أبريل 2013

د. Judy Matta طب الأطفال
You can take it but I usually prefer resorting to natural ways to sleep and relearning good sleeping habits. Panadol Night contains Diphenhydramine which is not usually addicting. However, people who regularly take diphenhydramine (especially for sleep) may find that they have become tolerant to the effects of the medication and become dependent on diphenhydramine in order to fall asleep. Often, this dependence is merely psychological. They go on to believe they cannot sleep without the medication, and as a result, they experience insomnia if they do not take it.