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What are the side effects of Statin?
19 مايو 2013

د. Thierry Yazbek الجراحة
Adverse reactions occur less frequently with the statins than with most other classes of lipid lowering agents
some side effects of statin:
Hepatic dysfunction, occurr during the first three months of therapy and is dose-dependent
Muscle injury , Development of muscle toxicity
Renal dysfunction , proteinuria
Diabetes mellitus — Statins could have effects on glucose metabolism that might influence the development of diabetes mellitus in nondiabetics or affect glycemic control in patients with existing diabetes.
Lupus – There have been case reports of drug-induced lupus in patients receiving statins.
Risks in pregnancy and breastfeeding
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
the side effct of statins are hepatic problem muscular problems and negatif effect on diabetes