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26 سنوات
Does taking fat burning pills affect someone's health and are they effective on the long term ?
18 مايو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Research has shown that fat burners can speed up weight loss, but they can also sometimes have harmful side effects.
>>Caffeine and ephidrine are common ingredients used in fat burner pills.Caffeine side effects is well known by most people ,but what about ephidrin ?Ephidrine has side effects including increased heart rate and blood pressure. Higher heart rate and blood pressure will put you at increased risk of decreased circulation.
>>The increased heart rate and metabolism caused by fat burner pills such as ephedrine or caffeine, can have a negative impact on your sleep patterns. The inability of your body to get sufficient rest can cause extreme fatigue and weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses such as the flu or a common cold.
>>Fat burners can also have negative side effects on a mental and emotional level,ephedrine can cause nervousness, anxiety, aggressive behavior or emotional mood swings. In extreme cases, people suffering these side effects are at heightened risk of causing self-harm.
>>ephedrine and caffeine are both forms of fat burner that can cause dehydration while accelerating weight loss. Dehydration can cause headaches and, in severe cases, lead to you collapsing if performing intensive exercise.
>>Epiniphrine in itself and caffeine if taken in higher doses have several health risk problems and thus ,fat burners are risk factors for major problems especially if taken for long time and depending on doses.