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الصفحة الرئيسية
32 سنوات
Does one time severe sunburn cause a skin cancer? & what is the time for skin cancer symptoms to appear after the sunburn? & what r the symptoms? Thx
23 أغسطس 2016

د. Maya Halabi-Tawil الأمراض الجلدية
Repeated Sunburns, especially in childhood, as well as intense and occasionnal sun exposures are Risk factors for skin cancers. If It s this one time, dont worry too much, rather reconsider your behavior rélated to tanning in the future: no sun between 11am-4pm, always seek the shade, put sunscreen 1/2hour before exposure and repeat every 2hours or less if you bathed or sweated a lot.Any mole with irrregular color, shape, border or That  s différent from the rest of your moles or That changes Over Time (in size,shape color, itching,redness,bleeding etc..) is suspicious. Also Any lesion like a red bump or dry rough patch of skin That doesn t Heel with Time should Also be checked.