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24 سنوات
Do you think Diane would have a better effect ?
23 مارس 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
First off, let me declare that we are not allowed to prescribe any medications online, not only in accordance to the rules of eTobb, but in compliance with proper medical practice. Moreover, favoring one brand of a medication over another is also not appropriate.
To expalain about the choice on oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), Diane and Yasmin are very similar in terms of synthetic hormonal composition; regarding the side effects you are complaining of, and which are related to the estrogenic activity, switching from Yasmin (Ethinyl estradiol  35 micrograms) to Diane (Ethinyl estradiol 30 micrograms) may not produce that much of a difference. 
And as a general rule, upon using OCPs, you need to make sure to give the pills you are currently taking a fair
trial of at least 2-3 months. Switching pills should be done in coordination with your treating doctor, and any new pill should also be allowed 2-3
months trial because it often takes 2 months just for your body to adjust to
the estrogen and progestin in an oral contraceptive. Also when we say a pill
has certain characteristics because of its estrogen dose and its progestin dose, and potency or androgenicity (male hormone effect), every woman responds
differently to those components.
Please talk to your doctor.
