زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
20 سنوات
Colonne dorsal (F, P) Rectitude antalgique de la colonne associee a une kegere deviation des vertebre dorsales moyennes et hautes de cote droit;eliminer une scoliose lombaire basse sous jacente.mean?
20 يناير 2015

د. Ivana Dabaj طب الأطفال والأمراض العصبية
this means that you have back pain and the way you were standing during the imaging looks like you have scoliosis in the lumbar area. scoliosis is a spinal curvature abnormality (increase in the angles). when you have back pain you can have "attitude scoliotique" so it looks like scoliosis but it is adjustable by simply redressing the spine and that doesn't mean scoliosis. if you align your back and the curvature is still present you have scolosis. To be sure if you really have it or not you need to see an orthopedic surgeon (better if specialized in spinal surgery)