زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
18 سنوات
Cheville Foulee. Repos pour 2 jours + glace. Douleur toujours presente mais je suis obligee de reprendre mes activites sportives. Une solution pour attenuer la douleur pdt l'activite??
25 يونيو 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
It seems to me that you are chronically sustaining frequent and repetitive injury to the same foot, without having enough rest along with medical therapy (oral non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) +/- physiotherapy. It is about time you discontinued the type of sports you practice for a couple of weeks in order to allow for your foot to heal. It could be a tendonitis or an injured ligament that you suffer from; the only way to determine which of the ankle joint structures is injured is by having a physician examine your foot, and maybe order some sort of imaging.