23 سنوات
Breathing infent. My baby boy is 6m the breathing is very fast i'm see by the chest that is normal or not ?
25 نوفمبر 2014
The pattern of breathing in newborns and infants goes through four stages:
The first stage is concerned with the establishment of respirations after birth when the baby starts using his lungs for the 1st time; it lasts for a few minutes following birth.
The second stage lasts from several hours to a day or more. Respiration is characterized by a wide range of rates, a regular rhythm and a single respiratory pattern, termed "synchronous" breathing. This is when you notice that all parts of the chest and abdomen expand and contract together in an easy, smooth and regular fashion.
The third stage lasts several days or weeks. Infants in this stage breathe rapidly and following fluctuating rates. Two of the common patterns seen in this stage have been given the terms "simple retraction" and "see-saw." In simple retraction the lower end of the chest bone and below the rib cage are pulled inwards as the abdomen and upper chest expand. In "see-saw" breathing the whole anterior chest wall is pulled inwards and downwards as the abdomen expands. There is much shifting back and forth from one pattern to another.
The fourth stage begins several weeks after birth and is characterized by a return to more stable rhythms and respiratory patterns. All previous bizarre patterns have disappeared leaving "synchronous" and "simple retraction" as the only patterns of breathing.
It is normal as dr dimassi said it is called periodic breathing and it is very normal in infant so dont have to worry