25 سنوات
Are breast implants risky in any way? Would I still be able to breastfeed? What are the possible side effects?
30 أغسطس 2014
Breast implants have been thoroughly studied in the last 2 decades and have proven their efficacy and safety if used by the proper qualified surgeon. Patients who have breast implants do not have a higher incidence of breast cancer or any other disease. Depending on the placement of your incision and the position of the implant (behind the muscle e.g.) the potential for breast feeding can be preserved. But if you cannot breastfeed that wouldn't necessarily be related to breast implants.
The side effects encountered are: some initial impairment in the nipple sensitivity that comes back after a year, the risk of rupture of the implants evaluated at 0.5 to 1% a year, and the risk of capsular contracture evaluated at 10% after 5 years (that is an intolerance of the implant by your body).
All that said, breast augmentation is one of the most rewarding surgeries with a very high patient satisfaction rate.
Always seek the advice of a board certified plastic surgeon before undergoing breast enhancement.