د. Salem Abu Alghanam
طب العيون
I woke up today with irritated skin under my eye. Few hours and the skin has transformed to small uncolored blisters. What should I do?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- you need to see your doctor
Hi Drs, How can i get rid of a skin tag(achrochordon) under my eye ?& is it contagious? Is there a cream or a lotion i can apply ? Thank you,
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- the best way you can do that by cryo or surgery
I used to take Adepal as a contraceptive pill (when I was in France). Here, I'm taking Mycroginon 30, but it caused me dry eyes. What can I take?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- you need to check your eyes and may use lubricants eye drops
I have a lot of red visible veins and blue spots in my eyes and i have trouble seeing at night. I also have dark spots under them What does this mean?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- this could be naves, or signs of high pressure , advised to be seen by your doctor for further assessment.
I had a blury left eye yesterday after visiting many lighting places. At night I was hit by my toddler on the same eye in a tantrum :)..anyways I noticed greenish sticky secretions coming out not exce
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- this could be infection and needs drops to help
When I look down my eyes don't ache but when I raise my head to normal level there's a strain feeling at the top of my eyes & sight's a bit blurry.
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- You should check your thyroid gland function.
I have an eye wrinkle and I don't want to treat it with Botox injection. Is there another solution to reduce them?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- Yes, laser for the wrinkles.
What are the current possible corrective options for keratoconus? And what is the best one to get rid of annoying hard lenses since 11 years?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- You can go for cross linking or corneal rings and Lasik after or a corneal transplant.
Is hyaluronic acid effective in treating dark circles under the eyes? Is redensity ii available in Lebanon?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- If this is from aging its' good, and I don't know any centers in Lebanon.
When I lift up my top eyelid on the left eye and look left, I can see a beige/yellowish area in the top right corner. What is it?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- These could be some eye vessels, and sometimes they can be a sort of nevus.
حول د. Salem Abu Alghanam
حصل على شهادة طب من University of Jordan
Amman, الأردن