د. Pierre Mardelli
طب العيون
My cousin has an eye virus infection (doctors told her it takes 21 days). How contagious could it be? Is it contagious in the period after recovery?
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- Viral infections are highly contagious, your cousin should avoid touching his/her eyes, shaking hands, and sharing towels, among other activities. But it won't be contagious after recovery.... إقرأ أكثر
What and where are the best options for Lasik surgery in Lebanon?
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- Custom LASIK is the best option if you're thinking about undergoing the LASIK procedure. The difference between regular LASIK and Custom LASIK is the use of iDesign Wavescan Studio System that helps t... إقرأ أكثر
Do eyes astigmatism provoke blood tension and headache ?
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- Astigmatism does not provoke hypertension.
I checked the pics for blepharitis, but that is not my case. My skin has become dark and wrinkly, but it is not itchy, any suggestions?
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- You need to be checked by an ophthalmologist so he can diagnose the problem and give you the proper treatment.
I have Lupus and lost my eyelashes. Started taking antimalarial 8 months before, but my eyelash is still empty. what can I do I can't stay like this any help ?
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- You can use Latisse eyelash solution to help your eyelashes grow.
Bloodshot, when eyes become inflamed with blood..
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- You should consult your doctor before discontinuing your eye-drops.
I had a ball shaped formation on my eyes 4 years ago. I had surgery on one side & the other faded alone. This year one reappeared. Is it food allergy?
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- No, it is not related to food. Keep applying warm water compresses on the affected eye and if it didn't disappear then you have to be checked by an ophthalmologist so he can remove it.
Is a head transplant possible?
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- No, It's not possible.
Do you think that the feeling of eye pulse and discomfort in right eye with no redness or itching or secretions is some sort of glaucoma,is it serio
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- Glaucoma usually has no symptoms, but one type of glaucoma include severe throbbing pain in the eye, headaches (on the same side as the affected eye), blurred vision, halos around lights, foggy vision... إقرأ أكثر
Cold water reliefs temporary but the feeling of pulse and discomfort in my eyes concerns me can i use corticoids or antibiotic eye drops?
د. Pierre Mardelli,
طب العيون
- You should be checked by an eye doctor (ophthalmologist) before using any kind of drops.
حول د. Pierre Mardelli
حصل على شهادة طب من Saint Louis University
Beirut, لبنان