د. Mohamad Siblini
Angine tous les 2-3 mois ça fait plus que 1 an!Tjrs nécessité de prise d'antibiotic!Dois-je m'inquiéter?Ceci est-il normal?Femme 23 ans 157cm 54kg
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- Did you take culture from your tonsils to check the type of germ you have? And for how many days you take antibiotics?
My wife has throat infection and she is taking augmentin. After taking 2 pills her face swelled... what she should do...continue taking the medicine?
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- Sure not. She be allergic to augmentin so stop the medication and change it.
I live in Europe, and suffer from a kind of nausea, doctor said chronic pelvic pain, and gave me antibiotics, but the nausea is back, any suggest
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- Causes of nausea are many. It ranges from organic to functional causes. Some causes are serious and should be treated. So i think you should be investigated with some labs and imaging. Especially if y... إقرأ أكثر
Just Recognized a tiny external ball near anus, i need to know if it could be a hairball and should we refer to dermatologist or another specialist.
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- Anal canal and its surroundings is a general surgeon specialty. It carries different causes , you need to be checked by general surgeon to plan your treatment.
En cas de grossesse non désirée. l'avortement provoqué par medicament est permis au liban?
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- Non permis au Liban.
Is cancer hereditary?
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- Sometimes, but not always. It depends on the type and location.
Can i go to the beach after 1 week of removing wisdom teeth?and do sunbathing?
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- If you started to eat well and drink well and you have no pain. No problem to go the beach and have a sunbathing.
Thanks Dr. Siblini Weight: 56 Kg Height: 153 cm I'm a vegetarian not a vegan Previous values (8 months ago; 5/7/2014): SGOT: 20 U/L & SGPT: 25 U/L
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- Great, wait 3 months and then repeat the studies with ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis.
Hi Doctors, please I need an explanation concerning SGPT hight level (73U/L) and SGOT also hight 37U/L and CO2 low of 21.8mEq/L Thanks for your help
د. Mohamad Siblini,
- It might be a normal variation. I need to know your weight and height, the type of food u are eating and if you do sport or not. And what are the previous values if it exist.
حول د. Mohamad Siblini
حصل على شهادة طب من Kursk Medical State University
Beirut, لبنان