د. Mitri Achram
طب إشعاعي
I've been exposed to undigital panoramic xray & repeated it 5 times at the same time due to an unprofessional staff! Are there harmful side effects?
د. Mitri Achram,
طب إشعاعي
- While it is unfortunate you had five repeats, no real harm was done to you. There is no level zero of risk from ionizing radiation.But as you know we are all of us exposed to natural radiation, and th... إقرأ أكثر
J'ai une petite bosse sur la tête depuis 1 mois. J'ai cogné ma tête il y a + de 2 mois. Xrays montrent rien de particulier.
د. Mitri Achram,
طب إشعاعي
- Un hematome sous le cuir chevelu peut etre dur a la palpation et peut durer quelques mois. S'il ne contient pas de calcifications il peut ne pas etre vu sur une radio simple.
I had a thorax Xray 3 days ago, and i got the result -Surchage des régions hilaires et des bases(?) PS : i had a flue 2 weeks ago and i am a smoker.
د. Mitri Achram,
طب إشعاعي
- Strictly speaking it does not mean anything.If you are asthmatic, the walls of your bronchi would become thickened and would give the appearance of increased markings in the lungs.If you are a smoker,... إقرأ أكثر
Isn't hallux rigidus supposed to be visible on Xrays? Mine only shows mild hallux valgus+very small calcification(this was 8 months ago).Does this causes big toe joint pain?Any solution?
د. Mitri Achram,
طب إشعاعي
- See if you do not have high uric acid in the blood. one of the things to rule out is gout.That may account for the small calcification in the soft tissues.
I DID IRM lumbar spine et XRAY du col lomb sacree F P, resulta: hernie intraspongieuse au nivau du platau inferieur d vertebres lombaires WHAT's this
د. Mitri Achram,
طب إشعاعي
- The central part of an intervertebral disk which is its nucleus, can move out from the disc(= herniation) towards the nearby nerves which are then compressed. this results in pain in the lower limbs.s... إقرأ أكثر
What does this mean in a chest xray report: accentuation de la trame vasculaire hilaire et peri-hilaire bilaterale????? please explain in english.
د. Mitri Achram,
طب إشعاعي
- This is a non specific descriptive sentence based on a subjective assessment or impression. Often it does not correspond to any real abnormality. I myself do not use this in my reports. I prefer to&nb... إقرأ أكثر
I have chest tightness.chest xray:accentuation de la trame vasculaire hilaire et peri-hilaire bilaterale.Is it asthma?Is it stress?Is it heart issue?
د. Mitri Achram,
طب إشعاعي
- The sentence: accentuation...., is a nonspecific descriptive sentence based on a subjective assessment or impression. Often it does not correspond to any real abnormality. I myself do not use this in ... إقرأ أكثر
Hi my husband has constant hip joint pain and his xrays say that he has slight calcification arount the hip joint doctors say nothing is wrong with him but the pain keeps coming and he cannot bend
د. Mitri Achram,
طب إشعاعي
- Your doctors were right. We see calcifications around the hip joints very often. they usually do not cause pain like what happens in the shoulders. Your doctor will tell you if your husband has bursit... إقرأ أكثر
Since giving birth,I have pain in my back.Radiograph show that backbone moved from the right place.i took muscle relaxant,anti-inflammatory&physical sessions,i feel better,but if i do effort pain come
د. Mitri Achram,
طب إشعاعي
- A backbone which moves from its place is called spondylolisthesis.It is very common and is due to repeated stress. In your case these were the wrong movements during your pregnancy. Most heal by medic... إقرأ أكثر
حول د. Mitri Achram
حصل على شهادة طب من Saint Joseph University
Beirut, لبنان