د. Ihab William
الأمراض الجلدية
Dr. Ihab William Atie is owner and medical director of Dr. William's Dental Center in Dubai. He graduated from the Lebanese University in 2002. He opened his own clinic for 5 years in Lebanon. he got his master science in endodontics in 2007. Then he went to France and USA to be updated about dentistry and specially cosmetic dentistry.
meanwhile in 2006, he visited Dubai and like it. he decided to move to dubai. Different famous clinics in Dubai used his expertise to solve some difficult dental cases. The dream came true when Dr. Ihab William Atie inaugurate his own dental center since 2 years in Dubai. His vision is to give his patients a nice feeling as possible when entering a dental center, a high standard dentistry. For the cosmetic treatments , he is giving a special individual attention to the needs of his patients because he believes in " Success or Failure : it's in the eyes of the beholder."
What make him really happy is to see a happy patient...
تفاصيل عن التخصص
الأمراض الجلدية
الإختصاص الفرعي
Dental Surgery
مصالح الطبية
Cosmetics and Root Canal Treatments
التاريخ العملي والتعيينات في الهيئات التدريسية
التعليم والتدريب
Masters In Sciences, Lebanese University
Oral Biology
Dua, Lebanese University
Dental Surgery
Diploma, Lebanese University
حول د. Ihab William
حصل على شهادة طب من
Beirut, لبنان